Innoverce365™ provide a complete Innovation Assessment with Recommendations Report (IAR) that reveal the key insights on the client’s Aspirations and Ability for Innovation: Culture, Capabilities, Process, Strategy and Leadership for delivering on current and new strategic initiatives geared towards the strategy and Vision of the organisation. Our analysis includes:
Innovation management
- Innovation culture assessment
- Innovation Management System
- Strategy and Innovation Alignment
- Leadership & Skills Assessment
Ideation management
Making use of the world’s leading and largest Innovation database with 1,000+ organizations in 62 countries, Innoverce365™ perform a correlation analysis and benchmark to outline the analysis, identify the gaps, and align clients’ strategy with strategic the initiatives. Benchmarking will be provided against the reference industry in the world’s leading innovators. Our benchmark includes:
- AI-powered ideation platform
- Hackathon
- Ideation narrative
- Open innovation
Professional services
Innoverce365™ work with organisations to understand and significantly improve their management practice of innovation and strategy. They will be able to build their internal capacity, innovation capabilities and sustain the efforts for increasing growth and profit. Our service includes:
- Training Programs
- Innovation Circle
- Transformation Programs
- Workshop: culture, alignment, ideation, strategy
- Innovation lab establishment
- Innovation project acceleration
Innovation accreditation
We provide accreditation (by application only) to individual or groups with the benefits of:
- Network with global innovation organization and initiatives
- Access to global database, software and full methodology
- Training and access to proprietary innovation database