Understand your organisation’s blockers and amplifiers for innovation

Get the opportunity to understand your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses in order to guide strategy, decisions and resource allocation. You will learn how to increase the chances of success in your innovation efforts. Utilising the Innovation360 framework, assess innovation capabilities that bridge science and business through Artificial Intelligence (AI), data-driven analysis and insights from over 1000 organisations in 60 countries.

You will learn the language for innovation grounded in research and obtain new perspectives through facilitated round table discussions with peers, comprising of strategy, process, culture, governance, metrics and organising for innovation. Each participant of this workshop will get a unique individual 40-page report with innovation capabilities visualised and recommendations on how to take innovation to the next level.

Participants will answer questions via a link prior to the workshop to assess their organisation’s innovation profile. The results are measured against InnoSurvey®, the world’s largest innovation database, built with data from 1000+ companies in 62 countries. The InnoSurvey® generates a 40-page personalised report, provided to each participant at the event with an individual innovation profile, analysis, and recommendations based on our state-of-the-art AI platform, “Sherlock”.


  • The workshop kicks off with a brief inspirational lecture that uses figures, artefacts, and interactive media.
  • Participants are divided into small workgroups.
  • The workshop leader facilitates a focused discussion of the InnoSurvey® results.
  • Innovation-related group similarities and significant differences are explored with reflective humour and insight into the implications.
  • Workshop leader guides participants through their own personalised set of innovation recommendations.
  • Each individual can choose from the actions that they want to do differently.


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